LEAGUE OF NATIONS was created to ensure world peace and for the purpose of social work. It had its origin in the war aims of Allied Powers. 14 points of Woodrow Wilson’s had envisaged for the formation of international agency that would be responsible for the world peace and order. Similarly, Britain has also urged for the creation of such an organization s one of its war aims during World War1.that is how League of Nations came into existence. Which was formed on January 1920.Its headquarters was in Geneva, on the same day as the Treaty of Versailles came into effect.
Organizational structure of League of Nations
It was started with 42-member nations. By 1926 when GERMANY was granted membership, the total number of the member nations had reached 55.
Security Council
League of Nations had Security Council, like United Nations Security Council. With eight members to begin with in which there were permanent members and 4 non-permanent. The non-permanent members were elected by General Assembly for a term of three years. The four permanent Members were France, Italy, Japan and Britain.
Peacekeeping Function
All those disputes that could lead to war were to be referred to the League. The Security Council the authority to recommend the amount of resources, Example- naval, air military. These resources should be collectively contributed each member of Nations against the aggressor.
General Assembly

General Assembly was constituted by the members of League of Nations. The assembly met annually and the decision were to be taken unanimously. All the members of the assembly had one vote. It was a policy making body and its mandate was to decide on general policy issues. It was also had the power to control the finances of the League Of Nations, and power to change peace treaty.one of the main function by the Assembly was, inclusion of new members, the periodical elections for non-permanent members, the election with the Council of judges of the Permanent Court, and control of budget.
Permanent Court of International Justice
League Of Nations permanent court was established in Hague. This court’s only mandate was to deal between legal disputes of states and not political ones. The court had fifteen judges from different nationalities.one of the special feature of this court is that it continues to function till today as part of United Nations as the International Court OF justice.
The aim behind the setup of Secretariat was to work as a support unit, to deal with the paperwork, formulation of reports and the preparing of Agenda.
Commissions and Committees
The commissions were setup with each commission dealing with specific problems. Important Commissions included commissions for handling issues regarding MANDATES, DISARMAMENT, MILITIARY AFFAIRS, etc. The important committees were those dealing with areas of Health, LABOR, WOMEN, RIGHTS, DRUGS, CHILD WELFARE ETC.
Aims of League of Nations

The aim of the League of Nations was following,
To Settle International Dispute
To prevent war in future, its mandate was to settle international disputes. This was to be achieved through the principle of collective security. All the member nations were to collectively act against a nation who tried to wage a war. This action against the aggressor nation would take form of economic sanctions and military actions, if required.
Economic and social work
League of Nations were to seek international co-operation for socio economic development across the globe. To fulfill this purpose various organizations within League of Nations were created.

The WORLD War1 forced the people to think for permanent peace.
In simple words we can say that post world war 1, League of Nations was created for ensuring international peace and security, to settle disputes among various states to prevent a further war like situations in future. Thus, maintenance of International peace and Security was one of the primary goals of the League.